Connecting Christ, Clergy, Churches, and Community
Care and Share provide high quality gently used clothing, housewares, and furniture at low prices and use the proceeds to purchase food which is given to those in need.
With this initiative, we can go and stay on site wherever a disaster occurs and provide relief by sharing the love of Jesus by cutting up downed trees following the tragic event.
Opportunities to work along side of and witness to people in our community are great through work at the garden. There is a lot of work to do at the garden!
The Mission Builder program helps build mission churches throughout our state. The program exists for the purpose of providing low-cost first unit buildings for mission churches in Louisiana.
Richland Baptist Encampment is one of the best kept secrets within Richland Parish Baptist life. This facility provides an excellent venue for a wide variety of activities.
Shade Tree Missions shows the love of God in practical ways by 'seeing' needs then meeting them working with local churches and people to serve the Lord by serving our community.