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Our Association now has a Chainsaw Ministry Team.  WE are excited about how God is going to use this ministry as we serve people with a great need.  If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact the DOM at (318) 355-4114 or at the office.  Men and women are welcome as there are jobs for everyone.


We have been blessed to be able to purchase a trailer, saws and protective gear for the teams that will be deployed in an emergency.  The following is a list of items that are still needed for the ministry:

  • Air Mattress:            (6)

  • Extension Ladder:  (2)

  • Hatchet:                   (2)

  • Sledge Hammer:    (1)

  • We need someone with carpentry skills to build shelving and other items inside the trailer.


Disaster Relief Training will be offered by the Louisiana Baptist Convention on Friday 12 March 2021 and Saturday 13 March 2021 at Temple Baptist Church in Ruston, Louisiana.  Several ministry trainings will take place.  If you have ever felt led to serve in this area of ministry, please plan to attend the training.  You can not serve or be insured unless you have undergone training for your chosen area of ministry.  


The areas of Ministry of Disaster Relief include:

  • Chaplaincy:  (Do not have to be a pastor to be a Chaplain!)

  • Cooking/Food

  • Shower

  • Chainsaw

  • Mudout


Please pray about joining one of these ministry groups.

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